Farmacia Del Niño is a pharmacy chain located on the border of Mexico, a pharmacy established by law to the health department SSA and the tax service administration SAT in Mexico. We have a wide range of patent and generic drugs of the most recognized laboratories in the world and large multinational corporations which produce medicines of the highest quality here in Mexico. Our extensive inventory ranges from selling drugs out of the counter called OTC (such as aspirin, desenfriol, Alka seltzers, etc.) As drugs for conditions (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, erectile dysfunction, among many others) to medications highly specialized like oncology products and many more. In Farmacia Del Niño we identify ourselves by our good service to our customers, low prices, showing every one from the desk clerk to branch manager a smile on our face.
Within the renewal of Farmacia Del Niño according to changes dictated by the present international situation and looking to expand our market within the Mexican republic attracting new customers with innovative products that are not in your area at low cost and listening to the needs of our U.S. customers who see the need to make long journeys to the various borders of our country to fill their drugs at a much lower cost than in their country of residence, we now offer our service to the order of your computer screen in with shipping to your doorstep with the same quality, speed and attention as if you were towalk from our desk. The Firts pharmacy online in Cd. Acuña Mexico of brand name & Generic medications stablished since 1992 in the main street of Acuña.
In Farmacia Del Niño we are committed with each of our customers to treat you more kindly, courteous, integrity, honesty and respect and above all treat you with the truth without cover up any errors that could be presented and it be attributed to our cause, and in this instance we fix our mistake not only an apology but looking for ways to give back to their detriment.