


SKU: 7501842900167
In stock: 0 units

Price: $ 46.88 USD*
Sale: $ 16.50 USD*
* United States Dollars

Comparable to:  Zithromax, Z-pack

Concentration: 500 mg



Medication Name: Samitrogen

Active substance: AZITHROMYCIN

Laboratory: Genetica

Content: 9 capsulas

Made in Mexico

Restrictions to ship this product: none

  • Consumption of this product is responsibility of the person who uses and recommends, consult your doctor before taking any medication.
  • Prescription required.
  • Product stock quanities are no updated
  • Please check if your product is in stock before you do your payment, thank you very much.

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Comments and ratings: ZITHROMAX (AZITHROMYCIN) 9CAPS 500MG

By ahmad raza jillani. February 15, 2016.

please send more information samitrogen Azitromycina 500 mg capsules 1. country of origin full address 2. capsules specification (Hard Gel or soft gel) 3.have you any branch Los angeles (L.A) (usa) irvine
Hello Good AFternoon, Thank you for contacting us, We are located in a city called Cudad Acuna Coahuila Mexico. The presentation we have is in hard Capsules. Sorry we are only in Mexico so we dont have a branch in the U.S. But we do ship to the U.S. You can place your order online or directly with us by phone. Here is the web link for this product, if you have any questions or concerns please contact me, Thank you for choosing our pharmacy and have a great day.

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